
  • Piece

The Devil’s Cry鬼哭

The Devil’s Cry

Premiered at the First Kazuo Ohno Modern Dance Recital in 1949. The programme reads 'From the Devil's Cry by Yuichiro Matsukuma', but nothing is known about Yuichiro Matsukuma, and we can only speculate on the literature that inspired this piece based on a few lines of text written in the programme for the Third Recital: 'In the dead end of the trapped human spirit, disgrace and nothingness linger like a fever. As will-o'-the-wisp, the sorrowed weeping of the devil's cry.'
While there are photographs of this piece, we are unsure what year they were taken. In the photo, Ohno wears a simple oversized piece of clothing and a mask, which seems to take inspiration from Mary Wigman. The mask was made by Nobumichi Inoue. In 1950 this piece was adapted for the Second Recital, and a review described this Ohno as 'most like himself'.

Basic Information

The Devil’s Cry
Modern Dance
Year Premiered
Premiere Venue
Kyoritsu Kodo Hall, Tokyo, Japan
Performers/ Production Staff at Premiere
Production copyright
大野一雄 / Kazuo Ohno

Venues Performed
