
  • Piece

Ozen (also known as Dream of a Fetus)お膳または胎児の夢

Ozen (also known as Dream of a Fetus)

A group performance by Kazuo Ohno and four of his students from the Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio, which premiered at the World Theatre Festival in Nancy in 1980. It was also performed at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in a courtyard, but never in Japan.
An 'ozen' is a small Japanese dining table, which became an important motif for Ohno and appeared repeatedly in his performances. In his essay 'Invitation To Jesus' he wrote 'every person is born with an ozen prepared for them'.
Admiring La Argentina (1977) had originally been planned as a group performance. While that went on to become one of Ohno's greatest solo works, the original concept for the group piece came to fruition in Ozen.

The following credits were listed in the Nancy International Theatre Festival programme notes:
Embryo / Horse: Kazuo Ohno
Death: Tokuji Ikebe
Sun: Moritsuna Nakamura, Minoru Hideshima
Insane woman who gave birth to the Sun, Mother of the embryo: Mitsuyo Uesugi

The performance title Ozen has also sometimes been translated in English as A Table.

The 1981 programme notes for the premiere of My Mother included an essay by Kazuo Ohno titled 'Invitation to Jesus' (Item ID: PNT16, My Mother | Daiichi Seimei Hall).

Basic Information

Ozen (also known as Dream of a Fetus)
Year Premiered
Premiere Venue
Salle Poirel / Nancy, France
Performers/ Production Staff at Premiere
大野一雄 / Kazuo Ohno, 上杉満代 / Mitsuyo Uesugi, 池部篤治 / Tokuji Ikebe, 中村森綱 / Moritsuna Nakamura, 秀島実 / Minoru Hideshima

Venues Performed
