
  • Productions

Ozen | Salle Poirel お膳|ポワレル劇場

Ozen | Salle Poirel

A group performance by Kazuo Ohno and four of his students from the Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio, which had originally been planned as part of Admiring La Argentina. The concept later came to fruition as Ozen (sometimes translated as 'A Table'), or A Dream of Fetus. It was performed along with Admiring La Argentina at the Nancy International Theatre Festival on the 14th May 1980.

According to Reiko Sawa, who was in charge of lighting for the tour in Europe, the Salle Poirel is an old theatre constructed some 100 years ago near Nancy station. Usually, it is used as a concert hall. It is a beautiful theatre with a canopy decorated with stained glass and a gigantic pipe organ on stage ('Kazuo Ohno who returned to Erurope' in Dance Work vol.28).

Admiring La Argentina was also performed at Poirel Room (Item ID: PFM78).
A few hours before performing Ozen on the 20 May, Kazuo Ohno also performed An Invitation To Jesus at the Eglise Saint Fiacre (Item ID: PFM80).
The Nancy International Theatre Festival programme notes included casting credits for the dancers of Ozen (Item ID: PNT10)

Basic Information

Ozen | Salle Poirel
Salle Poirel (Poirel Room)
Nancy, France
Event dates
16 May 1980 - 20 May 1980
On the occasion of the 14th Nancy International Theatre Festival.
Ozen was performed on the 16th, 18th and 20th/21st (at midnight) of May, on alternating dates with Admiring La Argentina.
Production staff
大野一雄 / Kazuo Ohno, 上杉満代 / Mitsuyo Uesugi, 池部篤治 / Tokuji Ikebe, 中村森綱 / Moritsuna Nakamura, 秀島実 / Minoru Hideshima
栗原豊 / Yutaka Kurihara
澤玲郁子 / Reiko Sawa


  • 16 May 1980 20:30

  • 18 May 1980 17:00

  • 21 May 1980 1:00

    On the 20th May, Kazuo Ohno also performed An Invitation to Jesus at the Eglise Saint Fiacre from 8:30pm - 9:30pm, a few hours before performing Ozen.