
  • Piece

The Tropics回歸線

The Tropics

Group piece presented during Part One of the Second Kazuo Ohno Modern Dance Recital in October 1950.
Kazuo Ohno performed in 'Matsuri', the third scene, with the other scenes performed by students of the Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio.

The composition is as follows:
b. Umi no Kafun [Pollen of the Sea]
c. Matsuri
d. Kaikeisen [The Tropics]
e. Finale

Although the scene featured two women, and not Kazuo Ohno,

According to the programme notes the scene 'Umi no Kafun' [Pollen of the Sea], which was performed by two women, was about jellyfish, the 'pollen of the sea that float as though in mourning' which appear in the still waters of the South China Sea. At the end of WW2, Kazuo Ohno returned to Japan after spending 8 months as a POW in New Guinea. On the return ship, many soldiers passed away and were given water burials. Although this scene did not feature Kazuo Ohno, it is assumed that this work reflected his desire to dance the 'jellyfish dance' for those soldiers when he returned home.

Basic Information

The Tropics
Modern Dance
Year Premiered
Premiere Venue
Kyoritsu Kodo Hall, Tokyo, Japan
Performers/ Production Staff at Premiere
大野一雄 / Kazuo Ohno, 小林信次 / Shinji Kobayashi, 藤井邦彦 / Kunihiko Fujii, 梶谷道江 / Michie Kajigaya, 島津榮子 / Eiko Shimazu, 遠藤節子 / Setsuko Endo, 他 / others
大野一雄 / Kazuo Ohno, 小林信次 / Shinji Kobayashi
Production copyright
大野一雄 / Kazuo Ohno

Venues Performed
