- Flyers/Posters/Programs etc.
Admiring La Argentina | Fujisawa’s Shonandai Cutural Centre ラ・アルヘンチーナ頌|藤沢市湘南台文化センター
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- ID
- PNT169
- Title
- Admiring La Argentina | Fujisawa’s Shonandai Cutural Centre
- Item
- Poster
- Overview
- Poster for Kazuo Ohno’s performance in Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan. The photo of Antonia Merce (La Argentina) was reprinted from the album which was a gift to Kazuo Ohno from her family in Paris. Photo of Kazuo: by Hans Siwik.
- Date Created
- 1991
- Size/format
- Japanese B1 (728 × 1030 mm)
- IIIF manifest URI
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